What will today bring?
The first news we got was that Barry was unwell. 😔😔
So the three of us for breakfast. Such a choice. Today, I had muesli with fresh mango juice, mango and banana. Delicious!
First dive of the day was Dungon Wall, a gentle wall going to a depth of about 27 metres.
Very pretty.
We saw a pygmy seahorse. Lots of red toothed triggerfish. A large white slug with yellow frilly edge
Used the snoot without the snoot attachment and got much better results.
Lovely dive.
Our surface interval was taken in Puerto Galera bay, it even has its own floating bar.
Second dive was Sabong West.
Descended on to the wreck of a yacht at about 18 metres. Richard thought it was a bit like descending down to the Teapot (wreck out of Selsey). Large black frogfish sitting on the top of the wreck (don’t get that in Selsey).
As we moved away from the wreck we were on a sandy bottom where we saw an emperor shrimp on a huge sea cucumber and a large pink snake eel protruding about a foot out of the sand.
We came up the slope over a rubble area where we saw orange Shawn the sheep slugs on slug eggs. These slugs only eat eggs of other slugs!
Picture to follow
At the end of the dive, in the coral area we saw an orangutan crab.
Back to base for lunch. They certainly feed you well here!! The food is a set menu for everyone but they are good at taking into account food issues. Seafood salad (calamari, mussels and prawns) with rice and salad vegetables.
Back out diving at 2.30. We dived Secret Bay.
Sandy bottom. A little dark.
Very pleased to see two hairy shrimp. Also saw a beautiful risbecia, robust pipefish, other colorful slugs.
When we got back to shore, we found Barry waiting for us. Good to see him up and around.
Richard and I went for a dip, before camera and picture stuff, before dinner.
Barry joined us for dinner although he limited himself to dry bread.
Every evening meal starts with pasta, not a surprise when you consider that fishermen’s cove is run by Italians. The main course today was carpatchio of beef, basically extremely thin (almost see through) slices of raw beef with fries. Mine came with lots of parmesan cheese. It was sent back. When I got the updated version, it was very tender and once I covered it in salt, pepper and balsamic vinegar, it had some taste. It came with fries, so that was a bonus!
Pudding was a homemade jam tart. One waitress said I couldn’t eat it as it had milk in it. Another came over and was completely sure that it didn’t have milk in it. I had one bite, perhaps it had no milk but it had plenty of butter! Had to spit it out, shame.
Every meal I always ask if there is milk in the meal, now I shall be asking about milk, butter, cream and cheese!! It is an absolute pain in the arse but it has to be done. 😔😔
More picture work before bed. Considering the issues we have had, we are doing ok.