Every time I blog, I seem to start by saying what a beautiful day…
What a beautiful day!
No wind and the odd cloud.
Breakfast at 6:30, camera stuff and out on the dive boat at 7:30.
Us with Nannie. Daryl and Diane, and Mike and Daneen with Romnick.
Dive #49
Manit Corner
One of our favourite dive sites, even though we think it is even better at night!
The topography of this site is amazing. We find lots of critters to photograph.
Harlequin shrimp
Big fat slugs
Sexy time nembrothas
Pink scorpionfish
We move to twin Rocks for our surface interval. Much too much engineering talk for my taste. Yawn!!
Dive #50
Twin Rocks
Started off lovely. Just us and Nannie.
As the current picked up so did the number of divers in the water.
Diver soup!
We did see lots of things.
Shrimp cleaning a Moray’s teeth
Three large pink and yellow slugs together.
Pink flabelinas
Large bugs inside blue sea squirts.
Back to the resort by 11:30.
Something we haven’t mentioned is that a lady here had an accident a couple of days ago. On her way back to her room in the evening she tripped and broke both her ankles. Unable to weight bare at all, she has been confined in her room, unable even to get herself to the loo. She has just been stretchered from her room onto a boat. We assume an ambulance will be meeting her around the corner and she will be flying business class so that she can lay down for the flight. Looks like an operation once she gets back to Germany.
Lunch, a BLT and blue marlin ceviche (turns out not tuna after all).
Had a nap for an hour before heading out for more diving.
Dive #51
El Pinoy
It was a chilly 27°.
Wetsuit next time.
Mainly rubbly area.
We saw a huge yellow frogfish, shrimps and nudis.
The surface interval was passed by getting into my wetsuit, drinking coffee and eating Oreos.
Dive #52
Saim Sim
Sandy barren slope
We saw lots
Four octopus, one of which was eating
Two large cuttlefish, one of which was also eating
Bobtail squid
Tiny orange frog fish
Five seahorses
We chatted at the bar for a while before having dinner and an interesting conversation about American gun laws with Mike and Daneen. Really nice people.
Asleep before 9:30!